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How we know that we are changing ...

Writer's picture: ChristinaChristina

There is one thing for sure: everything changes every single minute.

There’s nothing like stagnation in life’s physics. Even if sometimes we feel like stagnating, it’s again just part of a process we pass through.

So how can we realize that we are transforming?

Simply watch out for the following signs:

✨ your life doesn’t fulfill you in the way is once did. It seems like something is missing, like you are incomplete.

✨ Old patterns aren’t serving you anymore. Suddenly things you used to practice often, doesn’t make sense anymore. For example like procrastination, excess partying or unhealthy food.

✨ You are able to aspire more. Your perspective with which you view the world is getting wider. You recognize that you have unused potential. There’s a drive in yourself, you cannot describe yet. You feel excitement and anxiousness, joy and confusion at the same time.

This process needs time and comprehension. As everything does.

Give yourself the time to bloom and be aware of yourself transforming to something incredible!

To do so, this old latin phrase may help:


It literally means "pluck the day” and was used by the Roman poet Horace to express the idea that we should enjoy life while we can. His full injunction, "carpe diem quam minimum credula postero,” can be translated as “pluck the day, trusting as little as possible in the next one,” but carpe diem alone has come to be used as shorthand for this entire idea, which is more widely known as "seize the day."

I used to think that carpe diem means more of „Use this day, make it count, don’t be lazy“ - and I guess that’s just part of German mentality. But nevertheless, seizing the day, making it count AND enjoying it should be our purpose. Often I like my more productive days way more than my lazy ones. I go to bed, satisfied knowing that I have done a lot which then lets me sleep happily. On lazy days I often ask my self where this day went by?

But exactly at this point I get to remember myself: I deserve to rest. Even when or Especially when I’m evolving. Transformation on the inside takes time, exactly like the transformation on the outside.

Nevertheless: When I look back to my life I want it to be full of days, that didn’t fade due to their lack of memorable actions: so I always make sure to make your day count! Even when it’s just a small gratitude practice on the end of the day.

Lets practice it, close your eyes, imagine to hear the soft sound of a relaxed sea in front of you:

  • … and stop for a second to compare yourself, your life or your accomplishments to others. Stop thinking about people’s problems, peoples thoughts, peoples expectations. Just be proud of what you have done in your life so far, without labeling it. Breathe in, hold, and breathe out.

  • … giving yourself the permission to grow in your pace, stop forcing something that needs time. Allow it to develop without setting unrealistic expectations and without the urge for perfection. Repeat after me: “I am whole and in perfect timing right now.”

  • … let go of memories that hurt you. It is gone in the past. There’s nothing you can do about it. Exhale and accept that you will be fine.

In the moments, when we notice that we are changing, I always had a mentor by my side. To guide me, to lift me up, to inspire me to become the highest version of myself – with ease and in peace. If you feel the calling now, you can sign up for my five-week Main Character Mentoring by clicking below, to shine light on self-love, self-determination and your Main Character Energy.




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