Social Media and the internet have transformed our lives.
There is so much knowledge out there, it never has been so easy to access a such broad field of informations without even leaving your house. That is also applicable to life coaching content. I’m sure you, too, get to see so many “little” wisdoms daily on your feed.
To have a closer look on these phrases and to shine a light on the meaning of these almost outdated quotes, I summarized them in this blogpost.
I can hear the voice inside your head already, that asks: “And then? Should we just forget about everything else and put the rose-coloured glasses on?”
The aim is not to „focus on the positive“, it is to embrace the full spectrum of emotions and learn to identify with the good ones. Get to know you better, instead of taking the easy way out is much more sustainable for your overall health and wellbeing.
You deserving love is not affected by the amount of love you give yourself. Especially in times when you are unable to love yourself, you have the right to be heard, seen and understood - even more - to be loved.
Main point of this quote might be, that the relationship you have with yourself has to come first, before you stumble into a relationship with someone else.
When you see those „wisdoms“ just ask yourself: is it true for me? Is it helpful in my situation? Am I inspired by it? That’s one way to a better self-relationship. Listening to your intuition first, than on everything your feed throws at you.
Sometimes we scroll to find that one quote that will finally motivate us, help us to take action or inspire us to do something great. Constantly these short little phrases find their way into our daily life, either through social media or even through our friends and family. And we try. We really do. But sometimes a task isn’t accomplished by „just doing it“, what leaves a feeling of failure.
Things take time, to develop. They need space to bloom and support as often as possible. So don’t be afraid to ask for help or to admit that something is too much.
So we can perceive this quote as a good kick start. We can shift „just do it“ to a simple „just start“ – which will be more appropriate in many occasions. Start and then be aware of what you need to complete the task.
If you see something on social media, that doesn’t fit what you are going though or doesn’t capture your full situation, it is all good. You don’t have to believe or act upon whatever you read or hear about.
Investigate the time to find the answers you are looking for inside and not outside.
If you want to dive deeper into personal development and find the answers inside that will lead you to your Main Character Energy, so that you don’t ever will have to look for wisdoms or answers elsewhere - I’m here to guide you. Click the button below to join the five-week Main Character Mentoring.
Do you know more little “wisdoms” we should shine more light on?
Let me know and send me a DM on Instagram!