In this blogpost we’ll continue our little journey through the most common “wisdoms” you hear when it comes to life coaching, either through social media or even from your parents and friends.
If you like this topic, make sure to read the previous blogpost.
Let’s dive right into it:
Here it’s not about thinking but more about feeling. For example if you have to study and you don’t want to. Simply changing your thoughts might not get you the best grades. But tapping into the FEELING of getting good grades, how proud you will be, what opportunities will open up for you, the feeling of truly understanding the subject, will result in you learning better, more efficient and with a lot less resistance.
Also if you go beyond trying to label your thoughts and actually work on your wished outcome, if you then change the meaning you assign to your thoughts, it may truly change your life. You are way more than just your thoughts, so try not to identifying with them.
Central statement of this quote is, that you - and just YOU - have the power to change your life. So go ahead!
Imagine the trainer of an aspiring athlete says this to him "You are perfect as you are, go out there and just be you.“ Do you think this will help improve his game? I don’t think so.
We are all perfectly imperfect, just like every other human being. We have weaknesses and some of them require work, others self-acceptance and compassion. So be open for ways to improve yourself, to learn more. Reflect on what’s going well and what needs more of your attention. That’s what evolving looks like.
Compassion is the one word, that gets me every time and the word this quote refers to. Selflove and acceptance for who you are in this present moment (you are perfect as you are) are the fundament on which every evolution is built. Compassion with ourselves is easier said than done. Give it a try. If you fail, try again. You got this ♥
Oh, that’s a good one. I bet everybody have heard that quote at some stage of their lives. Its well-meant but doesn’t serve anybody. Imagine, lying in bed, crying because of something that really hurts you and then thinking of children who have nothing to eat. Does it make it better? Let me have a guess: No, it doesn’t.
There might be people in this world who have it worse, but their struggle doesn’t make yours any less valuable and cannot be healed by just „focusing on the positive“ or keeping a gratitude list.
So the next time, somebody tries to help you with this comment, say thank you for trying to make the situation seem less tragic, say that you are grateful for everything life has given you and then explain, that your feelings are a hundred percent legitimate and that they are here to be FELT, not to be covered by guilt.
If you see something on social media, that doesn’t fit what you are going though or doesn’t capture your full situation, it is all good. You don’t have to believe or act upon whatever you read or hear about.
Investigate the time to find the answers you are looking for inside and not outside.
If you want to dive deeper into personal development and find the answers inside that will lead you to your Main Character Energy, so that you don’t ever will have to look for wisdoms or answers elsewhere - I’m here to guide you. Click the link below to join the five-week Main Character Mentoring.