Monthly updates & impulses for all, who are on board.

That feeling, when you get home from a wonderful weekend trip with your beloved partner or friends.
When you feel the work monday lying in wait for you behind this nights sleep. When you already hear the alarm clock in your head.
On the one hand you know you should feel fullfilled - I mean, you have everything. You love your job, your family and friends, you are financially stable and healthy.
You just came back from great quality time and still - on the other hand - there’s that feeling of not getting by.
You know, that you had no time to yourself and even if you won’t specifically identify as an introvert, you feel, that inside there’s a craving for some time alone. You feel like there’s a gap between your actual state and your balanced, your sensational self.
Balance, your life is lacking balance.
And the more you try to fight for it, the more it tends to slip through your fingers. More work-life balance and feeling exhausted on Sunday evenings, simultaneously not being able to look forward to your next leisure activities because their number and the schedule seems to cut your throat.
More body-soul balance through yoga, but anyway feeling overwhelmed again as soon as you step off your mat.
This imbalance creates what you don’t want: being pissed. Also your perfect partner hasn’t done anything wrong, you find a thing to blow off your steam. Only resulting in you lying on your bed, having a bad conscience for not being fair, for not being who you want to be.
In your ear you hear the voices of awareness coaches, that tell you „just decide who you want to be and live it“, „just breathe through the emotions“ - you again feel overwhelmed and find yourself talking to your almost sleeping self:
”tomorrow I’ll be better“.
But we know what happens tomorrow - don’t we?
Darling, it’s a Monday.
You felt „that feeling“ while reading? Me, too.
Now, since I stepped into my main character energy, I know how to activate my inner balance within seconds. I found faith in being guided and cherish each moment as imperfect as it might be as 100 percent valuable.
I am no longer the servant of my emotions or the reactor to situations. Even if something is teasing me, I can take a step back easily - feeling proud and in full control while allowing myself to flow in ease. I switched my cope mechanism to thriving strategies. So that I feel connected to my higher self & I am able to operate from a state of calmness, love and patience - no matter what circumstances.
Sounds too good to be true?
Does it really have to be a struggle before you accept its simplicity?
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This E-Mail list is more than a newsletter. It’s the most upfront and personal way to communicate to those who are ready to commit to their balanced main character energy.
Liking a post is easy, scrolling though feeds is satisfying, but to be open for true inspiration & changes, you are allowed to commit.
Maybe you learned that committing feels heavy, because of associated expectations or duties. If balance is your duty, you will never get to the point where it feels light and with ease.
But with the moment you decide that commitment is your way of selflove, there’s nothing more deliberating, nothing easier in this world, than entering your E-Mail to mark the time, when you are truly ready.
Are you?
Get on board for the Sensational Spirits Newsletter to receive a monthly message to evolve your main character energy into a balanced life. Every newsletter will be filled with inspirations, positive thoughts and sometimes also exclusive Yoga and Meditation Sessions for subscribers only.
See you there,