Have you ever noticed that in your own behavior or in others? Some of us are chronic apologizers without even realizing it.
Often we apologize because we worry too much about what other people think, or because we put their feelings above our own needs. AND society has trained us to believe that it is polite to apologize. But if you say sorry for things that aren’t your fault, it may be time to look deeper. Apologizing per se is not a bad thing, but there are definitely situations that don’t need an excuse.
Never apologize for:
saying „no“
needing some time alone
telling the truth
your opinions, feelings & beliefs
expressing your needs
setting boundaries
asking for help
being yourself
standing up for yourself
The next time you feel the urge to apologize for something like this, turn the apologize into gratitude, for example:
Instead of „I’m so sorry you had to do this for me.“
Say „I’m so grateful that you did me this favor.“
We all know it. There are certain things in our lives, that don’t serve us well. These things lead to reduced self-confidence, bad feelings or sleepless nights. The first step on our way to purify our environment is to identify these things that are really individual.
Things to cut out of your life could be:
the classic: comparing yourself to others
questioning your self-worth
unrealistic expectations
trying to please everyone
people who drag you down
making yourself small
saying yes when you want to say no
Second step is self-awareness, spotting those little situations in your day to day life and analyzing what has lead to them.
Third step is to stop the next time you feel some of these situations creeping up on you and „simply“ pause before you respond and take the time for a better decision. Believe me, step by step you will cut those things out of your life.
By showing the world how you show up for yourself, you can teach everyone around you what is possible for them, too.
The feeling of time is a mystery. It goes by so fast and without even realizing it, weeks are gone. That’s why it’s so important that we take some minutes in our daily lives just for ourselves. This time will be well spent for sure and will facilitate a more balanced life, a more sorted mind and a happier mood that will contribute to happier weeks ahead.
Practices to take time for yourself could be:
journaling how your day was and what you are grateful for
-soaking up sunlight and spending some time in nature
mediation to ground yourself
physical movement like running or yoga
enjoying a self-cooked healthy meal
So the impact is clear and to really establish those things we could make them a habit. For example: journaling before we go to bed with our journal right next to us on our bed table or meditating right after waking up to set the tone for the day.
To summarize:
A Main Character doesn’t apologize for who she is. She takes time to purify her life step by step to fulfill her standards and she takes time for herself, because she’s her top priority.
You can start with these steps, that will show an impact in your life within days. But they still barely scratch the surface of the roots of your Main Character Energy. If you want to step into it on the fast track, I’m here to guide you. Join the five week Main Character Mentoring by clicking the link below.
