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Writer's pictureChristina

What happens, when you start the positive “What if” game instead of the negative?

Updated: Feb 28, 2024

When I changed this short thought:

“What if it doesn’t work?”

that always would come up, when I started something new, when I began to learn for exams or even when I went on a date,

into “What if it does?”

I noticed these major things to happen all the time:

✨ my nervousness got replaced by anticipation

suddenly when I walked in a room, my mind did not circulate around what others might think about me - as it usually did - but about how beautiful this event/ this evening can get. I felt deeply grateful for walking into this room, because I knew it was going to work out for me.

✨ my anxiety shifted into enthusiasm

normally I would fear certain things like exams or graduation, but then I imagined myself getting rewarded for all my work - and a month later I got handed a price for the best bachelor thesis from the editor of popular news paper in front of the whole city hall.

✨ the well known cope mechanism of procrastinating got switched off like a light switch

I don’t like to admit it and it seems weird, but I liked to complain about procrastinating. Until I told myself that it will work. Really work. Better than I can imagine. This made waiting and complaining about waiting a completely useless activity.

Change the sentence “I bet I can’t.” into “I bet I can.”

Every time I played this little mindset game of challenging me, believing in me - even if nothing on the outside showed me proof - like when I was regretting certain decisions and living in a place, where I didn’t feel at ease, or when I doubted relationships, that used to give me security, I always watched these things appear:

✨ the feeling of dullness transformed into a feeling of bliss

instead of resigning I suddenly felt joy - this sounds crazy but it’s the truth. I challenged my ego to work for me, not against me. I choose to rather feel superior to my so called „problems“ than rubbishy. That turned the game.

✨ rather than hesitating I watched myself jumping into it, without being ready at all

I grew up conventional, you have to be ready before you take a risk, you have to learn before you walk. But I started to ignore all that bla bla, decided to stay so called „delusional“ and jump in with a header. Guess what? I still was fine.

✨ instead of doubting, I began to trust, that the right thing for me cannot pass me by

And? It didn’t. And it will never do. This certainty inside myself allowed me to question all the superficial safety I longed for for so long.

I don’t want to sound dramatic but, this new perspective changed my life.

This mindset shift was a game changer for me - and it will be for you too - as soon as you embody it. Step into your Main Character Energy to activate this process, from which you’ll return stronger and more confident than ever before.

Because it’s not enough to “know” it, when your brains says “what if it works, bla bla bla” and gets back to old patterns.

You have to embody it. Become the Main Character in your life, to activate it.

Are you curious? In my five week MAIN CHARACTER MENTORING we elevate your mindset way beyond this little shift. You can enter this portal here.

Love, Christina <3

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